Zoom information session about URI and SURF grants was held on Friday, Nov. 22.
*Passcode for Zoom recording: 0d@3*rjC
Undergraduate Research and Inquiry Grants
Undergraduate Research and Inquiry Grants support students and faculty engaged in a mentored research project. The goal of this grant is to provide students with research or creative inquiry opportunities. These grants provide $2,000 in supplies or travel funds and $1,000 stipend for the faculty mentor and a $1000 award for the student. A faculty mentor can have up to three research students on this grant. A student may only submit one grant proposal per grant application cycle. Applications must be completed according to these URI grant guidelines and submitted through URI Submittable by March 1. Awards will be announced on April 15.
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships
The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) program supports students and faculty engaged in a mentored research project over the summer. Working on research during the summer allows for the student and faculty to focus intensively on their topic. Students will be part of a community of researchers and will present their research to the University community in the fall semester. These grants provide $2,000 in supplies or travel funds, a $1,000 stipend for the faculty mentor and a $3,500 stipend for the student. Students are also provided a housing stipend if they choose to live on campus. Applications must be completed according to these SURF guidelines and submitted through SURF Submittable by Feb. 1. Awards will be announced on March 15.
Research and Inquiry Curriculum Grants
Research and Inquiry Curriculum grants support faculty who wish to incorporate the high-impact educational practices of research into their courses. Research shows that these experiences lead to better learning and retention. Faculty can be awarded $1,000 for new course proposals and course redesigns, $600 for adding a major inquiry-based assignment or $400 for adding OURI assessments to an existing course. Research and Inquiry Curriculum grant proposals are accepted year-round but grant applications must be received one year prior to planned course implementation (e.g., January 2025 for a course to be taught in Spring 2026).
OURI Travel Awards
Funds are available from the Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry to support 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 students who have participated in undergraduate research or inquiry to travel to local, regional, national or international meetings, conferences, symposia, exhibitions and workshops. These funds are provided to increase the opportunities of 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 students to showcase their scholarship in external venues. Applications should be submitted through OURI Submittable.
NCUR Travel Awards
The National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) is dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship and creative activity in all fields of study by sponsoring an annual conference for students. Unlike meetings of academic professional organizations, this gathering of student scholars welcomes presenters from all institutions of higher learning and from all disciplines. Through this annual conference, NCUR creates a unique environment for the celebration and promotion of undergraduate student achievement; provides models of exemplary research, scholarship and creative activity; and helps to improve the state of undergraduate education. Each conference hosts 3,500 to 4,000 students from across the globe, presenting their research through posters, oral presentations, visual arts and performances. Each year the conference is held at a different institution. The Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry will support a few students to present at this year's conference. Students should submit an NCUR Travel award application after they receive notification of abstract acceptance from NCUR. Please remember to include your letter of acceptance with your application to OURI. Applications are due by Jan. 15, 2024.
Posters at the Capitol Travel Awards
The third Undergraduate Research Posters at the Capitol will be held at the Florida State Capitol Complex in downtown Tallahassee in January 2024. This event occurs every other year. At this event, up to four undergraduate researchers from universities and colleges across the state will present their research in a poster format; they will also have the opportunity to interact with legislative members from their representative districts. Our main mission in hosting this event is to encourage the visibility and viability of undergraduate research, while also providing high-achieving students a space to engage directly in the political process. Students chosen for this opportunity will also be available to network with other researchers from across the state at a reception and take a tour of the Capitol building. This is a highly prestigious award. This event occurs every other year. The next event will be in January of 2026.
FURC Travel Awards
The Florida Undergraduate Research Conference is one of the nation's largest multi-disciplinary research conferences. It is an annual event open to all undergraduate researchers in the state of Florida to present their research in a poster forum. The Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry will support students to present at this year's conference. Students are encouraged to submit an application for a FURC travel award. Please remember to include your FURC abstract submission acknowledgment letter to OURI. Applications are due into OURI by Jan 3rd. You do not have to wait for approval, just attach the submission form.